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- addAuthToken(String, String) - Method in class org.botblock.javabotblockapi.core.BotBlockAPI.Builder
Adds the provided Site name and token to the Map.
- addAuthToken(Site, String) - Method in class org.botblock.javabotblockapi.core.BotBlockAPI.Builder
Adds the provided
Site name
and token to the Map.
- BLADEBOTLIST_XYZ - Static variable in class org.botblock.javabotblockapi.core.Site
- BLIST_XYZ - Static variable in class org.botblock.javabotblockapi.core.Site
- BOATSPACE_XYZ - Static variable in class org.botblock.javabotblockapi.core.Site
- BotBlockAPI - Class in org.botblock.javabotblockapi.core
Class used to define the auth-tokens used for the different sites.
- BotBlockAPI.Builder - Class in org.botblock.javabotblockapi.core
Builder class to create an instance of
- BOTLIST_ME - Static variable in class org.botblock.javabotblockapi.core.Site
- BOTS_DISCORDLABS_ORG - Static variable in class org.botblock.javabotblockapi.core.Site
- BOTS_ONDISCORD_XYZ - Static variable in class org.botblock.javabotblockapi.core.Site
- BOTSFORDISCORD_COM - Static variable in class org.botblock.javabotblockapi.core.Site
Deprecated.List was aquired by
- build() - Method in class org.botblock.javabotblockapi.core.BotBlockAPI.Builder
Builds the instance of
. - Builder() - Constructor for class org.botblock.javabotblockapi.core.BotBlockAPI.Builder
Empty constructor to get the class.
- CheckUtil - Class in org.botblock.javabotblockapi.core
- CheckUtil() - Constructor for class org.botblock.javabotblockapi.core.CheckUtil
- condition(boolean, String) - Static method in class org.botblock.javabotblockapi.core.CheckUtil
- DBLISTA_PL - Static variable in class org.botblock.javabotblockapi.core.Site
- DEFAULT_DELAY - Static variable in class org.botblock.javabotblockapi.core.BotBlockAPI
Default delay.
- DeprecatedSince - Annotation Type in org.botblock.javabotblockapi.core.annotations
Annotation used to indicate since when an Object is deprecated.
- DISCORD_BOATS - Static variable in class org.botblock.javabotblockapi.core.Site
- DISCORD_BOTS_GG - Static variable in class org.botblock.javabotblockapi.core.Site
- DISCORDBOTLIST_COM - Static variable in class org.botblock.javabotblockapi.core.Site
- DISCORDBOTS_CO - Static variable in class org.botblock.javabotblockapi.core.Site
- DISCORDEXTREMELIST_XYZ - Static variable in class org.botblock.javabotblockapi.core.Site
- DISCORDLIST_SPACE - Static variable in class org.botblock.javabotblockapi.core.Site
discordlist.space (Formerly botlist.space)
- DISCORDLISTOLOGY_COM - Static variable in class org.botblock.javabotblockapi.core.Site
- DISCORDS_COM - Static variable in class org.botblock.javabotblockapi.core.Site
discords.com formerly botsfordiscord.com
- DISCORDSERVICES_NET - Static variable in class org.botblock.javabotblockapi.core.Site
- DISFORGE_COM - Static variable in class org.botblock.javabotblockapi.core.Site
- FATESLIST_XYZ - Static variable in class org.botblock.javabotblockapi.core.Site
- GET - org.botblock.javabotblockapi.core.Site.HttpMethod
Bot list supports GET requests.
- getBotId() - Method in exception org.botblock.javabotblockapi.core.exceptions.RateLimitedException
Returns the bot id that was rate limited.
- getDelay() - Method in exception org.botblock.javabotblockapi.core.exceptions.RateLimitedException
Returns the delay - in milliseconds - you have to wait to perform a request again.
- getIp() - Method in exception org.botblock.javabotblockapi.core.exceptions.RateLimitedException
Returns the ip that was rate limited.
- getMessage() - Method in exception org.botblock.javabotblockapi.core.exceptions.RateLimitedException
Returns a message informing us about
we got rate limited,for how long
and on whatbot id
. - getName() - Method in class org.botblock.javabotblockapi.core.Site
The name used by the BotBlock API to identify the site.
- getRoute() - Method in exception org.botblock.javabotblockapi.core.exceptions.RateLimitedException
Returns the route on which the bot was rate limited.
- getTokens() - Method in class org.botblock.javabotblockapi.core.BotBlockAPI
- getUpdateDelay() - Method in class org.botblock.javabotblockapi.core.BotBlockAPI
- GITHUB - Static variable in class org.botblock.javabotblockapi.core.Info
URL to the GitHub repository.
- INFINITYBOTLIST_XYZ - Static variable in class org.botblock.javabotblockapi.core.Site
- Info - Class in org.botblock.javabotblockapi.core
Class containing general information about the project.
- Info() - Constructor for class org.botblock.javabotblockapi.core.Info
- LISTCORD_GG - Static variable in class org.botblock.javabotblockapi.core.Site
- major() - Method in annotation type org.botblock.javabotblockapi.core.annotations.DeprecatedSince
The Major version since when the annotated object is deprecated.
- major() - Method in annotation type org.botblock.javabotblockapi.core.annotations.PlannedRemoval
The major version for when the annotated Object will be removed.
- MAJOR - Static variable in class org.botblock.javabotblockapi.core.Info
Major version of the Wrapper.
- minor() - Method in annotation type org.botblock.javabotblockapi.core.annotations.DeprecatedSince
The Minor version since when the annotated object is deprecated.
- minor() - Method in annotation type org.botblock.javabotblockapi.core.annotations.PlannedRemoval
The minor version for when the annotated Object will be removed.
- MINOR - Static variable in class org.botblock.javabotblockapi.core.Info
Minor version of the Wrapper.
- MOTIONDEVELOPMENT_TOP - Static variable in class org.botblock.javabotblockapi.core.Site
- notEmpty(String, String) - Static method in class org.botblock.javabotblockapi.core.CheckUtil
- notEmpty(Map<?, ?>, String) - Static method in class org.botblock.javabotblockapi.core.CheckUtil
- org.botblock.javabotblockapi.core - package org.botblock.javabotblockapi.core
This is the core module used across all other modules.
- org.botblock.javabotblockapi.core.annotations - package org.botblock.javabotblockapi.core.annotations
The different annotations used to mark various Objects with it.
- org.botblock.javabotblockapi.core.exceptions - package org.botblock.javabotblockapi.core.exceptions
Contains custom exceptions this API may throw.
- PARADISEBOTS_NET - Static variable in class org.botblock.javabotblockapi.core.Site
- patch() - Method in annotation type org.botblock.javabotblockapi.core.annotations.DeprecatedSince
The Patch version since when the annotated object is deprecated.
- patch() - Method in annotation type org.botblock.javabotblockapi.core.annotations.PlannedRemoval
The patch version for when the annotated Object will be removed.
- PATCH - Static variable in class org.botblock.javabotblockapi.core.Info
Patch version of the Wrapper.
- PlannedRemoval - Annotation Type in org.botblock.javabotblockapi.core.annotations
Annotation to mark an Object to be planned for removal.
- POST - org.botblock.javabotblockapi.core.Site.HttpMethod
Bot list supports POST requests.
- RADARBOTDIRECTORY_XYZ - Static variable in class org.botblock.javabotblockapi.core.Site
- RateLimitedException - Exception in org.botblock.javabotblockapi.core.exceptions
Indicates that the Wrapper got rate limited by the BotBlock API.
- RateLimitedException(JSONObject) - Constructor for exception org.botblock.javabotblockapi.core.exceptions.RateLimitedException
- replacements() - Method in annotation type org.botblock.javabotblockapi.core.annotations.DeprecatedSince
Optional String array indicating one or multiple possible replacement Objects to use.
- setAuthTokens(Map<String, String>) - Method in class org.botblock.javabotblockapi.core.BotBlockAPI.Builder
Sets the provided Map as the new Map.
- setUpdateDelay(Integer) - Method in class org.botblock.javabotblockapi.core.BotBlockAPI.Builder
Sets the update delay (in minutes) for the auto-posting.
- Site - Class in org.botblock.javabotblockapi.core
This class contains all known sites that are supported by BotBlock's APIs for getting Bot info, getting list info or posting Bot info to a list.
- Site.HttpMethod - Enum in org.botblock.javabotblockapi.core
Nested enum for the Http-methods supported by the bot lists.
- SPACE_BOT_LIST_XYZ - Static variable in class org.botblock.javabotblockapi.core.Site
- STELLARBOTLIST_COM - Static variable in class org.botblock.javabotblockapi.core.Site
- supportsGet() - Method in class org.botblock.javabotblockapi.core.Site
Whether the site supports GET requests towards itself or not.
- supportsPost() - Method in class org.botblock.javabotblockapi.core.Site
Whether the site supports POST requests towards itself or not.
- TOPCORD_XYZ - Static variable in class org.botblock.javabotblockapi.core.Site
- toString() - Method in exception org.botblock.javabotblockapi.core.exceptions.RateLimitedException
Returns this class formatted to a String.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.botblock.javabotblockapi.core.Site.HttpMethod
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- values() - Static method in enum org.botblock.javabotblockapi.core.Site.HttpMethod
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- VCODES_XYZ - Static variable in class org.botblock.javabotblockapi.core.Site
- VERSION - Static variable in class org.botblock.javabotblockapi.core.Info
Full version in the format
. - VOIDBOTS_NET - Static variable in class org.botblock.javabotblockapi.core.Site
- WONDERBOTLIST_COM - Static variable in class org.botblock.javabotblockapi.core.Site
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